Friday, May 23, 2008

Credit Trap

Credit was once defined as "Man's Confidence in Man." But in fact, the definition of credit today is more like "Man's Confidence in Himself." Using credit today means you have confidence in your future ability to pay that debt. Forty years ago, your parents may have paid cash for their homes and their cars, a largely unheard-of event today. If they borrowed money at all, chances are it was from a relative or friend, and not a financial institution. And today anyone can obtain a credit card, which is a doubtful advantage. You can now even apply for credit cards with bad credit. The question is where will that lead us??

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fill your tank in the morning

There are some misleading facts on how to save on gasoline.

You may have heard that it's best to fill your gas tank in the early morning while the fuel is cold. The theory goes that fluids are more dense at lower temperatures, so a gallon of cold gas actually has more gas molecules than a gallon of warmer gas.

But the temperature of the gasoline as it comes out of the nozzle varies little during the course of the day, according to Consumer Reports, so there's little, if any, benefit, to getting up early to pump gas.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I think everyone has heard about the accident that happened in Madison, Wis. The college student dialed 911 from a cell phone, but they never sent police for investigation, and she was killed. The case is being investigated and it's rather early to say if she could be saved in case the police had been sent. What do you think?